The church of Christ began meeting in South Stokes on July 18, 1971 in the Quality Drywall building on Old Highway 52.  The families which made up the congregation at that time included Bobby Childress, Charles Downing, Cromer Grubbs, Tom O'Neal, Harold Petty, Ralph Tesh, Vernon Todd, and Robert Goff, who was the first preacher for the congregation.  The first service had 29 souls in attendance.

     The congregation has been dedicated to spreading the Gospel to souls in Stokes County of North Carolina ever since its beginning.  During the early days of the congregation, weekly newspaper articles were published to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the area.  Local congregations in the area helped to support this effort.

     Training classes for men and women were set up to help train members on how to evangelize and conduct personal work.  Over the years many Gospel Meetings have been held by faithful brethren such as: J.D. Parker, Marvin F. Bryant, Harmon Caldwell, Foy E. Wallace, Jr., Wallace E. Skipper, Jerry Cantrell, Gaddys Roy, David Pharr, and many other sound gospel preachers.

     Because of the hard work and love for Jesus Christ, the Quality Drywall building soon became too small and the congregation needed a larger meeting house.  With growing numbers and the help of other congregations, the Lord continued to bless the work in King, and construction on a new building commenced in October 1972.  This new building sat on three acres of land, had seven classrooms, and seating for 200 people.  The building provided a place for worship, Bible classes, and fellowship meals.  The new building was a place where the saints could meet and centralize their efforts for the cause of Christ.  It was an exciting time for the congregation.  To prepare for the opening day in the new building, advertisements were placed in the local newspaper and everyone invited friends and family to the open house and Gospel Meeting on July 17, 1973.

     The Lord's Kingdom in King, NC has continued with a membership that is faithful to the Lord, active in the work of the church, and eager to spread the Gospel.  The congregation has continued in the ways of the Lord by supporting full time, sound men to preach the Gospel.  These men have included: Robert Goff, Jr., Dan Balcom, Norman Ewell, Frank Payne, Jim Coviello, Harry Goff, Homer Lloyd, Michael Jordan, Jerry Pence, Dale Babinsky, and Jeff Greene, our current evangelist.  Each of these men were chosen to be preachers at South Stokes because of their dedication to teaching the truth, and their diligence in the work of evangelism.

     The South Stokes Church of Christ continues to show love for each other and for the community.  The church continues to encourage others by the many varied events that the congregation undertakes each year.  We are well known for our love of others and desire to do the work of the Lord.  The church continues to reach out to others, evangelize the local community and other areas around the world, and grow together as a Christian family.  The congregation continues to adhere to the Restoration Plea to call Bible things by Bible names and to do Bible things in Bible ways.